Don't you think it's good to serve your country?' I asked. 'No, I don't, ' Mr Peterson said. 'I think it's good to serve your principles. And in the army you don't get to pick and choose your fights according to your conscience. You kill on command. Don't ever surrender your right to make your own moral decisions, kid. Gavin Extence
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More Quotes By Gavin Extence
  1. Turning things over and over in isolation had led me to a certain point, but I knew that to get any further I'd have to voice some ideas aloud, just to see how they sounded. But I certainly didn't go to Ellie expecting any kind...

  2. Funerals aren't for the dead. They're for the living.

  3. Mr. Treadstone believed that there was always an apposite word. The English language, after all, was the richest in the world. If you couldn’t find the apposite word, if you found your language slipping into the mire of vagueness and obscurity, this meant that you...

  4. Sometimes words aren't needed.

  5. If you had to relive your life exactly as it was — same successes and failures, same happiness, same miseries, same mixture of comedy and tragedy — would you want to? Was it worth it?

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